The function of the Student Appeals Board is to hear students' appeals on actions by the Vice President for Student Services (or Designee) and the Vice President for Academic Affairs (or Designee) in behavioral and academic matters as specified in the Student Handbook. The Student Appeals Board will also hear appeals regarding exceptions from academic policy and decisions on academic dismissal.
Only after the student has pursued appropriate channels in behavioral or academic matters and remains dissatisfied with the results, the appeal process may be instituted. This Board will hear 最新三级片 College student appeals only.
The Student Appeals Board is comprised of the Grievance Officer, who serves as chair; three faculty members; two students; and three non-voting members who are the Vice President for Student Services, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and a college counselor. The faculty members are appointed by the College President, for three-year staggered terms, on recommendation of the President of the Faculty Organization. The student members are appointed by the Student Senate to serve a one-year term. In addition, an alternate faculty person and Senate member will be appointed by their respective organizations. In the event the regular member is unable to attend and a quorum is needed, the alternate will be expected to attend, and have full discussion and voting privileges. Non-voting members may designate substitutes, as long as the substitute does not have a role in the preceding complaint process or a conflict of interest. Any voting member attending a specific hearing must be in attendance for all presentations and discussions in order to cast a vote. The Student Appeals Board meets as needed (at the discretion of the Chair) to hear appeals and to conduct relevant Code of Conduct business.
Appellant is the student filing the appeal.
Respondent is the College Department or person (i.e., Vice President for Student Services, Director of Judicial Affairs, etc.) responsible for the decision which is being appealed.
Expulsion is the removal of a student from college for more than ten days due to behavioral (non-academic) misconduct.
If the sanction being appealed to the Student Appeals Board is expulsion, the student shall have the right to a full due process hearing pursuant to the rules governing contested case hearings before the Student Appeals Board. These rules are available from the Vice President for Student Services.
The student may waive his/her right to a full due process hearing and utilize the procedures for other appeals to the Student Appeals Board.
The Student Appeals Board is the final procedure constituted by the college for all matters within its purview. Decisions made by the Students Appeals Board are not grievable.