
最新三级片 College

ASNWC Constitution / By-Laws

Student Senate By-Laws

Article I

Duties And Powers of the Student Senate
  1. To meet on a regular basis during the NWC academic year, no less than biweekly, to fulfill duties cited herein.
  2. To remain familiar with the ASNWC Constitution and By-Laws during terms served as Student Senate Representatives.
  3. To legislate and provide a proper voice on all matters of concern to the ASNWC.
  4. To enact any reasonable measure for the good of the student body.
  5. To recommend administrative action on policies concerning the general welfare of the ASNWC.
  6. To appoint or recommend appointment of Senate members to the standing college committees.
  7. To give official recognition to any student organized club without restricted memberships and to approve their constitutions.
  8. To review constitutions of ASNWC clubs when deemed necessary.
  9. To exercise sanctions against campus affiliated organizations.
  10. To request a review by the President of NWC prior to enactment of all matters involving school policy or administrative regulations.
  11. To maintain and manage the student hangout, the OASIS, by developing and maintaining a plan of regular hours of operation. Volunteers, student employees and Senators may be employed to work in the OASIS. Senate must also approve the scheduling of events in the OASIS.
  12. To maintain regular office hours in the OASIS during its hours of operation.
  13. To supervise all other ASNWC student clubs and organizations.
