
最新三级片 College

ASNWC Constitution / By-Laws

Student Senate By-Laws

Article II

Duties and Powers of Officers

Section A. President

  1. To call for and preside at meetings of the Student Senate with speaking privileges.
  2. To exercise the right to vote in the event of a tie, or during any committee meetings that the President is a voting member of.
  3. To preside over Executive Officer Committee meetings.
  4. To regularly attend the NWC Board of Trustees meetings.
  5. To serve as a student representative on the Student Appeals Board or appoint a designee from Senate.
  6. To serve as a student representative on the College Council Committee.
  7. To make recommendations to the Senate regarding the ASNWC budget in cooperation with the Treasurer.
  8. To call for and preside over special meetings if necessary.9. To keep and maintain an office of the ASNWC to a reasonable degree which will be determined by the Senate.

Section B. Vice President–Voting Member

  1. To transact the duties of the President should he or she for any reason be unable to carry out the Presidential duties.
  2. To exercise the right to vote except when serving as President, when a vote may only be cast in the event of a tie.
  3. To assist the President in administering the business of the Senate.
  4. To serve as chair of the Elections Committee or to appoint a chair, with Senate approval.
  5. To keep the Senate informed of the progress of all Senate committees involved with external activities.
  6. To serve as a student representative on the Student Appeals Board.
  7. To serve as a student representative on College Council Committee.

Section C. Student Activities Board Chairperson–Voting Member

  1. To serve as Chairperson of the NWC Student Activities Board.
  2. To provide the Senate with a weekly report featuring all activities planned through the Student Activities Board and updates of past events.
  3. To maintain an accurate record of all active clubs, including their advisors and officers and to have a copy of each constitution on file.
  4. To transact the duties of the President and Vice President should he or she for any reason be unable to carry out the duties.

Section D. Secretary–Voting Member

  1. To keep and maintain in narrative form an accurate record of all Student Senate meetings.
  2. To compile and maintain an accurate record of all legislation and/or resolutions passed by the Student Senate.
  3. To manage all Senate/ASNWC related correspondence.
  4. To maintain a file of additional copies of minutes for future reference.
  5. To post the Senate minutes in a public place following each meeting.
  6. To transact the duties of the President, Vice President and Activities Board Chairperson should he or she for any reason be unable to carry out the duties.

Section E. Treasurer–Voting Member

  1. To serve as chair of the Budget Allocations Committee.
  2. To keep an accurate record of all receipts, appropriations and expenditures of the ASNWC and Senate.
  3. To submit a current financial report at each regular Senate meeting.
  4. To complete required paperwork, according to the Business Office, for all expenditures.
  5. To transact the duties of the President, Vice President, Activities Board Chairperson and Secretary should he or she for any reason be unable to carry out the duties.

Section F. Public Relations/Historian–Voting Member

  1. To maintain an organized record of all Senate documentation. Records should be kept both physically (in the Senate office) and electronically. If Senate requests information from past events, the Public Relations/Historian will have until a date specified by Senate to search records and report back to Senate.
  2. To manage all Senate-approved marketing.

Section G. General Representatives–Voting Members

  1. To represent the interests of the ASNWC.
  2. To assist the Senate by serving on its standing and special committees, as well as NWC Faculty/Staff committees.
