
Communications & Marketing

Consumer Information & Disclosures

  1. Academic Program (Educational Program, Instructional Facilities, and Faculty)
    1. Class Schedule (print and online)
    2. (online)

  2. Accountability for Programs that Prepare Teachers


  3. Code of Conduct for Education Loans

    This can be found on our Financial Aid website.

  4. Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates (Including Disaggregated Completion/Graduation Rates)(Student Right-to-Know Act)

    Currently, NWC calculates graduation and transfer-out rates for first-time, full-time, degree/certificate-seeking students. By July 1 of each year, the IR will publish these rates on the Institutional Research section of the NWC website including disaggregated data (by gender, race/ethnicity, and required financial aid recipient groupings).

  5. Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid (Including Disaggregated Completion/Graduation Rates)(Student Right-to-Know Act)
  6. Consumer Information on College Navigator Website

    The NWC website and other required items are annually reported to NCES through the three annual IPEDS collections for posting on the College Navigator website.

    The four items specifically listed are currently available on the NWC website:

    1. Career Services
    2. Transfer Policies in the , in the Student Services Policies/Procedures section
    3. Disability Support Services
    4. Student Activities
  7. Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information
    1. Financial Aid section of the NWC website
    2. Recruitment Publications
  8. Crime Log
  9. Disbursement for Books and Supplies

    Financial Aid Policies and Student Consumer Information PDF on the Financial Aid Policies page of the NWC website.

  10. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

    Students and employees
    • Disclosed in the Employee Handbook (does not cover Adjunct or Temporary Employees at this time). Available on the .
    • Disclosed in the Student Handbook, as well as referenced in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.

    During the summer of odd numbered years, the Director of Counseling, Director of Residence and Campus life, Security Coordinator, and the Judicial Affairs Director will meet and review:

    • Number of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd violators by percentages.
    • Number of BASICS and Step Zero assigned vs completed and the number of additional charges for non-completions, these findings will be kept with Counseling staff.
    • Drug and alcohol policies for updates and changes, which will be passed onto the Student Handbook Committee.

  11. Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
  12. Entrance Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers

    Financial Aid Policies and Student Consumer Information PDF on the Financial Aid Policies page of the NWC website.

  13. Equal Opportunity
    • An NWC is an EOI link is on the footer of every page of the NWC Website.

  14. Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (Participation Rates and Support For Athletic Programs
  15. Exit Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers

    Financial Aid Policies and Student Consumer Information PDF on the Financial Aid Policies page of the NWC website.

  16. Facilities and Services Available to Students with Disabilities
    1. Student Success Programs in the , in the Academic Support Services section.
    2. Disability Support Services section of NWC website.
    3. Student Handbook in the Beneficial Services section.
    4. External college publications contain Dept. of Education DSS compliance information.
    5. Contracts in the Housing & Dining Services section of the NWC website.
    6. College syllabi contain Disability Support Services statement as per Academic Affairs guidelines.

  17. Fire Log


  18. Fire Safety Report
  19. Information For College Bookstore

    College Bookstore / Textbook Information

  20. Information for Crime Victims about Disciplinary Proceedings
  21. Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)
  22. Job Placement Rates

    We do not currently collect this information and do not have a placement office.

  23. National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

    Financial Aid Policies and Student Consumer Information PDF on the Financial Aid Policies page of the NWC website.

  24. Net Price Calculator

    The NWC Net Price Calculator (compiled using ED's template), along with the ED's FAFSA website, is published in the Financial Aid section of the NWC website.

  25. Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information

    Notice sent to all students at the beginning of each term.

  26. Notice of Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations

    This can be found on our Financial Aid website.

  27. Placement in Employment

    We do not currently collect this information and do not have a placement office.

  28. Policies and Sanctions Related to Copyright Infringement
  29. Post Program Licensing/Certification Disclosure

    This information can be found on the Post Program Licensing/Certification Disclosure page of the NWC website.

  30. Price of Attendance
    1. Cost & Aid section of the NWC website
    2. Recruitment Publications

  31. Privacy of Student Records - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
    1. (online)
    2. Registration & Records section of the NWC website
    3. Student Handbook section of the NWC website

  32. Private Education Loan Disclosures (Including Self-Certification Form)

    Financial Aid Policies and Student Consumer Information PDF on the Financial Aid Policies page of the NWC website.

  33. Refund Policy, Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Title IV Financial Aid
    1. , in the Expenses & Financial Aid section
    2. Return of Funds Policy in the Financial Aid section of the NWC website.

  34. Required Written Arrangements Disclosures


  35. Retention Rate

    IR will publish this annually on Institutional Research section of the NWC website between IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey completion (mid-April) and July 1.

  36. School and Program Accreditation Approval or Licensure
    • , in the Accreditation section.

  37. Security Report (Including Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures), Timely Warnings, and Crime Log
  38. Security Report - Missing Person Notification Policy

    This information is located in and/or completed by the following documents:

    • Student Handbook
    • Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
    • Emergency Contact Card used in Residence Halls

  39. Self-Certification Form

    N/A. Application, disclosure information, and self certification information associated with Truth in Lending is handled by Align, the servicer of the WYIN loan for WY.

  40. State Grant Assistance

    Financial Aid Policies and Student Consumer Information PDF on the Financial Aid Policies page of the NWC website.

  41. Student Body Diversity

    Published annually on the Institutional Research section of the NWC website using fall enrollment report data submitted to WCCC (gender, ethnicity) and IPEDS Student Financial Aid data (Pell grant recipients).

  42. Student Financial Aid Information
    1. Financial Aid Policies and Student Consumer Information PDF on Financial Aid Policies page of NWC website.

  43. Student Loan Information Published by the U.S. Department of Education

    Financial Aid Policies and Student Consumer Information PDF on the Financial Aid Policies page of the NWC website.

  44. Textbook Information

    College Bookstore / Textbook Information

  45. Timely Warning Reports


  46. Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements
    1. Transfer Information section of the NWC website

  47. Types of Graduate and Professional Education in Which the School's Graduates Enroll

    NWC is not a 4-year program

  48. Vaccinations Policy
    • in the Student Services Policies/Procedures section.

  49. Verification of Student Identity

    最新三级片 College students either register in person the first time, provide adequate proof of identify if registering by phone, or must have been issued their student ID which allows them to set up their student portal prior to online registration. All credit students have an account on the NWC portal and have a secure login and password. Online services are only available through this access. This includes access to registration and student account information and access to Moodle, the learning management system NWC online courses. The college has also loaded student pictures in the administrative database. They will be accessible by all faculty and staff as appropriate to their roles.

    Students who take online courses must login with the user name and password each time they enter their student portal. Moodle also allows instructors to use additional passwords for exams and other projects. Some instructors opt for proctored exams that are done on鈥恈ampus, at outreach sites or at other approved sites. Students must show identification before taking the exam.

    All employees receive FERPA training and sign confidentiality agreements. Faculty has access to information only on students in their classes or assigned to them as advisors. Other staff members have access to information as appropriate to the duties of their position. Students may opt out of publishing their directory information as well.

  50. Voter Registration Forms

    All students are mailed/emailed at the beginning of each semester.