
Student Experience

Fitness at NWC

Full-time students are not required to pay membership fees (entrance to the fitness center is included in student fees). Find membership fees for part-time students here. The Johnson Fitness Center is a facility dedicated to promoting lifelong physical fitness, health, and wellness. The center provides equipment and programs that assist the individual in attaining goals in the areas of health, fitness, physical conditioning, athletic training, weight control, stress management, and personal enrichment. Please review the Johnson Fitness Center Membership Manual for more details and policies. Racquetball courts in Cabre Gym are also available by reservation. 

Johnson Fitness Center

Hours of Operation
Days Hours
Monday - Friday 6:00am - 2:00pm and 5:00pm - 9:00pm (Winter)
7:00am - 2:00pm and 5:00pm - 9:00pm (Summer Beginning May 13th)
Saturday/Sunday Closed


Fitness Center Membership Fees

Membership Type Semester*
Adult $100
Senior (60 and up)/Active Military $70 $25 $15 $5
High School Student $70 $25 $15 $5
Couple $175
Senior Couple (65 and up) $110
Family** $190


Part-Time Student Membership Fees Per Semester

Credit Hours   Credit Hours   Credit Hours  
.05 $35.25 4 $26.50 9 $14.00
1 $34.00 5 $24.00 10 $11.50
1.5 $32.75 6 $21.50 10.5 $10.25
2 $31.50 7 $19.00 11 $9.00
3 $29.00 8 $16.50 11.5 $7.75

* Semester = 4 Months

** Family (Includes Children 14 – 22 Years of Age)